Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lost Soul

Lost Soul - RM 45 RM 35

The forest is filled with lovely spirits, of fairies and elves, of pixies and leprechauns. Lost soul captures just the element of a simple soul, plain yet charming.

This dual colour garment can be worn as a dress, or as a long top, for the span of the garment reaches well below the bum.
And it comes in five amazing combination of colours.

1. Cloudy Grey

Faint grey with a little black peekaboo-ing out from the collar.

2. Black
Black garments always enhance coloured hair. Teehee my hair look radiant red. Black is also the colour for those who wants to minus extra inches of their waist. It creates a look which makes you slim and thin.

3. Fairy Pink
For the bold and the strong at heart. This flaming pink brings out the personality in you, and it just screams "attention" the moment you step into the room.

4. Snowy White

Plain Jane goes for snowy snowy white, innocent colour, pure and un-tainted.

5. Shadow Grey

This shade of grey is slight darker than cloudy grey, and the collared area is actually the same tone as cloudy grey. Have I confused you already? It's an elegant colour, perfect for the shadowy personality, full of mystery.

There you go. All five colours all looking perfectly pretty.

Note that the Belt is included as well. And the dress/top is made out of stretchable material, therefore clinging very well to your body bringing out those curves!!

Size : Free Size

Length : 76cm.
Colour : Cloudy Grey(SOLD) , Black (Sold!) , Fairy Pink(SOLD OUT), Snowy White (SOLD!), Shadow Grey (SOLD!) .


Lost Soul is NOT RESTOCKABLE. (Sorry guys the suppliers ran out of stock as well)

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